Further past funded grants
Reduced use of antibiotics by modulation of gut microbiome in pigs. Land Nordrhein-Westfalen / LANUV, 2018-2019 (Neuhoff) |
Gut cells as model for investigation of action of feed additives. Senzyme GmbH, 2018-2019 (Schellander, Neuhoff) |
Roiporq - Suitability of a special pig cross-breeding for alternative forms of husbandry with full physical integrity of the animals for differentiation in the market. EIP - Europäische Innovationspartnerschaft in Nordrhein-Westfalen, EU - MULNV NRW, 2017-2019 (Schellander, Neuhoff, Meyer; Hamer (Koord., Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg St. Augustin)) |
Non invasive generation of embryo's genomic Breeding index by utilization of it's surrounding culture media. Förderverein Bioökonomieforschung e.V., 2016-2018 (Hölker, Lehr- und Forschungsstation Frankenforst, Schellander, Tesfaye) |
Effect of rumen-protected methionine on fertility in high yielding dairy cows. Evonik GmbH, 2016-2019 (Hölker, Lehr- und Forschungsstation Frankenforst, Tesfaye, Schellander) |
Investigation of innate immune competence of pigs stimulated with PRRS virus vaccine. MKULNV NRW / LANUV, 2015-2017 (Schellander, Neuhoff) |
Establishment of cooperation between Bonn & Mekelle universities. Fact Finding Missions 2015. DAAD, 2015 (Schellander, Tesfaye) |
pigGS-Technologietransfer - Umsetzung der genomischen Selektion beim Schwein in aktuelle Zuchtprogramme. FBF, 2014 (Tholen) |
Research on genetic predisposition of pigs against PRRS. MKULNV / LANUV NRW, 2013-2015 (Schellander) |
Biodiversity of poultry breeds. Bund Deutscher Rassegeflügelzüchter e.V., 2013-2018 (Schellander, Tiermann) |
Circulatory miRNAs as diagnostic tools in subclinical endometritis in dairy cows. Pfizer, 2012-2014 (Tesfaye, Schellander) |
Identification of serum/plasma circulatory miRNAs as diagnostic markers for pregnancy in bovine. Pfizer, 2012-2014 (Tesfaye, Schellander) |
The role of microRNAs in regulation of bovine ovarian follicular development. DFG, 2012-2015 (Tesfaye) |
pigGS – Beiträge zur Optimierung der Schweinefleischproduktion: Erarbeitung einer Zuchtwertschätzung basierend auf genomischen Informationen durch die Kombination von molekulargenetischen und statistischen Ansätzen. LANUV NRW / EU, Projektträger ETN Jülich; 2011-2013 (Tholen; Lind, FBF; Simianer, Uni Göttingen) |
Molecular analysis of boar taint. Ministry of the Environment and Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MUNLV NRW), 2010-2012 (Looft, Südekum, Tholen) |
PHÄNOMICS - Ein systembiologischer Ansatz zur Genotyp-Phänotyp-Abbildung im Kontext von Leistung, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden bei den Nutztieren Rind und Schwein - Teilprojekt Universität Bonn TP 3.3 und 4.3. BMBF/Jülich, 2010-2014 (Schellander, Koordinator: Schwerin, Uni Rostock) |
Research network “Innovation by quality communication” (FIN-Q.NRW). Cluster initiative “Food.NRW” - Project-Part B. LANUV, 2009-2012 (Petersen, Tholen, Hartmann, Cremers; Project-Coordination: Petersen) |
Micro and messenger RNA transcriptomics in bovine endometrium with clinical or subclinical endometritis. Pfizer, 2009-2012 (Schellander, Tesfaye) |
DRIP II - Integration von Expressions- und genomweiten Assoziations-Analysen in Kreuzungspopulationen kommerzieller Rassen zur Kartierung von QTL Regionen mit verbesserter Auflösung und funktionelle Analyse von Kandidatengenen für Wasserbindungsvermögen. DFG, 2009-2012 (Schellander; Ponsuksili, FBN Dummerstorf) |
Investigation of transcriptomal differences using reproductive tissues of boars with good and bad fertility. Förderverein Biotechnologieforschung der Deutschen Schweineproduktion e.V. (FBF), 2009-2011 (Schellander; Knorr, Göttingen) |
Genetisches Monitoring Schwein: Beurteilung des Gefährdungsstatus deutscher Schweinepopulationen anhand von Abstammungsinformationen aus der Herdbuchzucht. Zentralverband der deutschen Schweineproduktion (ZDS), 2009 (Tholen) |
The effect of subclinical endometritis on the transcriptional profile of endometrium and embryo and subsequent influence on embryo quality. Pfizer, 2009-2010 (Schellander) |
Transcriptome profiling of embryo and endometrium biopsies based on pregnancy success after transfer of in vitro and in vivo derived bovine embryos. DFG, 2008-2010 (Tesfaye, Schellander, Hölker, Ponsuksili, Herrler (FBN Dummerstorf) |
FUGATO-plus - Gene-FL - Genetic causes of a predisposition for diseases of the feet and leg system in cattle, pigs, horses and sheep. BMBF, 2008-2011 (Swalve, Schellander, Sauerwein, Wimmers, Kühn, Brenig, Gauly, Thaller) |
FUGATO-plus - GeneDialog - The significance of epistatic effect on trait expression in cattle and pigs (GeneDialog). BMBF / Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2008-2011 (Schwerin, Schellander, Wimmers, Reinsch, Herrmann, Thaller) |
Q-PORKCHAINS - Improving the quality of pork and pork products for the consumer: Development of innovative, integrated, and sustainable food production chains of high quality pork products matching consumer demands (Food: Integrated Project). EU, 2007-2011 (Schellander, Petersen) |
Genetic analysis of bone-related traits in pigs to improve the robustness and the growth performance. MUNLV, 2007-2009 (Schellander) |
Transcriptional analyses of endometrium cells and preimplantative embryos. Pfizer, 2007-2008 (Schellander) |
DRIP I - Analysis of the genetic regulation of the water holding capacity by determination of trait associated and QTL-genotype associated expression of candidate genes and their genomic basis. In the Research Unit of the German Research Foundation (DFG): Genetic functional bases of the water holding capacity in porcine meat (DRIP). DFG, 2006-2009 (Schellander, Ponsuksili) |
Genomics and epigenetics to develop sustainable animal breeding strategies for improved long-term product quality and safety: Identification of genes involved in embryonic developmental competence (Sixth Framework Programme). EU, 2006-2010 (Schellander) |
Analysis of genotypes of Nramp1 and associated genes for Salmonella-resistance. MUNLV, 2005-2007 (Schellander) |
FUGATO - HeDiPig - Identification of genes involved in heriditary defects in pig. Integrated project, BMBF / Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2005-2008 (Schellander) |
Genetic regulation of in vitro-produced bovine preimplantation embryo survival and developmental competence. Rinderunion Baden-Württemberg, 2004-2007 (Schellander, Gilles) |
Mapping of genes for hereditary defects in pigs: Molecular analyses of the inverted teat defect in pigs. BMBF / Förderverein Biotechnologieforschung der Deutschen Schweineproduktion e.V. (FBF), 2004-2006 (Schellander) |
Prenated expression profiles of the Prion-Protein-Gene, PRNP, in sheep and cattle. DFG, 2003-2006 (Wimmers; Ponsuksili; Schellander) |
Genetics of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acid variation in egg yolk. BMBF / DLR, 2003-2006 (Schellander; Wimmers; Ponsuksili) |
Identification of positional and functional candidate genes of functional traits in pigs. BMBF / DLR, 2003-2006 (Wimmers; Schellander; Ponsuksili) |
Expression of rRNA genes in early porcine embryos. BMBF / DLR, 2003 (Schellander; Laurincik, Research Institute of Animal Production, Nitra, Slovakia) |
Livestock classification with machines at the Westfleisch Company. Westfleisch, 2003-2005 (Schellander; Tholen) |
Fertility research: contribution of marker-genes to fertility of boars. MUNLV, 2002-2005 (Wimmers; Schellander) |
Mapping of genes for hereditary defects in pigs: Molecular analyses of the inverted teat defect in pigs. Förderverein für Biotechnologieforschung der Deutschen Schweineproduktion e.V. (BMBF), 2002-2003 (Schellander; Wimmers) |
New predictors for pork quality derived from gene expression profiles of skeletal muscle during prenatal development. EU QLK5-2000-01363, 2001-2004 (Wimmers, Koordinator) |
Improvement of fitness by increasing heterozygosity using molecular DNA-marker in pigs. MUNLV, 2000-2002 (Schellander; Tholen; Wimmers; Jüngst) |
SEFABAR - Sustainable european farm animal breeding and reproduction. EU, 2000-2003 (Schellander; Neeteson, FAIP, NL) |
Tau-Interferon overexpression in in vitro produced embryos. DFG, 2000-2002 (Schellander; Wimmers) |
Expression of rRNA genes in early porcine embryos. BMBF/DLR, 2000-2002 (Schellander; Laurincik, Research Institute of Animal Production, Nitra, Slovakia) |
Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in ducks. Schaumann-Foundation, 2000-2001 (Wimmers; Weigend, FAL Mariensee; Maak, Inst. of Animal Breeding and Husbandry, Halle) |
Paternity control in pigs after non invasive sample collection. MUNLV, 1999-2001 (Schellander; Wimmers; Schepers; Tholen) |
Evaluation of different blood-derived parameters for their use to retrospective diagnose stress in pigs. MUNLV, 1999-2001 (Wimmers; Schellander) |
Investigations on automatic milking machines (AMS). MUNLV, 1999-2001 (Trappmann; Tholen) |
Belley quality analyses in pigs. Landwirtschaftskammer Westfalen-Lippe, Münster, FAL Mariensee, BAFF Kulmbach, CMA, GFS Ascheberg, SNW Münster, LRS Bonn, 1999-2000 (Adam, LK Münster; Tholen; Baulain, FAL Mariensee) |
Improvement of phosphor-utilisation in pigs: genetics and feeding. Ministerium für Umwelt und Naturschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MUNLV), 1998-2000 (Rodehutscord, Inst. f. Tierernährung, Bonn; Tholen) |
AVIANDIV - Development of strategy and application of molecular tools to assess biodiversity in chicken genetic resources. EU BIO 4-98-0342, 1998-2000 (Wimmers; Schellander) |
GENETPIG - Identification of genes controlling economic traits in pig: EU BIO 4-98-0237, 1998-2000 (Wimmers; Schellander) |
Sequence-Polymorphism and expression analyses of the C3-gene as candidate for innate disease resistance in pigs. DFG, 1998-2000 (Schellander; Wimmers) |
Development of techniques and methods for mapping of hereditary defects in pigs: Investigation on the inverted teat defect. BMBF / Förderverein für Biotechnologieforschung der Deutschen Schweineproduktion e.V. (FBF), 1998-2001 (Schellander; Wimmers) |