Publications 2015
Original papers, peer reviewed
Heinz JFL, Singh SP, Janowitz U, Hoelker M, Tesfaye D, Schellander K & Sauerwein H (2015):
Characterization of adiponectin concentrations and molecular weight forms in serum, seminal plasma, and ovarian follicular fluid from cattle.
Theriogenology, 83, 326-333
Schäff CT, Rohrbeck D, Steinhoff-Wagner J, Kanitz E, Sauerwein H, Bruckmaier RM & Hammon HM (2015):
Hepatic glucocorticoid and α1- and β2-adrenergic receptors in calves change during neonatal maturation and are related to energy regulation.
Journal of Dairy Science, 98, 1046-1056
Locher L, Häussler S, Laubenthal L, Singh SP, Winkler J, Kinoshita A, Kenéz Á, Rehage J, Huber K, Sauerwein H & Dänicke S (2015):
Effect of increasing body condition on key regulators of fat metabolism in subcutaneous adipose tissue depot and circulation of nonlactating dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Science, 98, 1057-1068
Kinoshita A, Keese C, Beineke A, Meyer U, Starke A, Sauerwein H, Dänicke S & Rehage J (2015):
Effects of Fusarium mycotoxins in rations with different concentrate proportions on serum haptoglobin and hepatocellular integrity in lactating dairy cows.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 99(5), 887-892
Keogh K, Waters SM, Kelly AK, Wylie ARG, Sauerwein H, Sweeney T & Kenny DA (2015):
Feed restriction and re-alimentation in Holstein Friesian bulls: II. Effect on blood pressure and systemic concentrations of metabolites and metabolic hormones.
Journal of Animal Science, 93(7), 3590-3601, doi: 10.2527/jas. 2014-8471
Kazemi-Bonchenari M, Alizadeh AR, Tahriri AR, Karkoodi K, Jalali S & Sadri H (2015):
The effects of partial replacement of soybean meal by xylose-treated soybean meal in the starter concentrate on performance, health status, and blood metabolites of Holstein calves.
Italian Journal of Animal Science, 14, 138-142
Häussler S, Sacré C, Friedauer K, Dänicke S & Sauerwein H (2015):
Short communication: Localization and expression of the monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in different subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues of early lactating dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Science, 98, 6278-6283
Kolahian S, Sadri H, Shahbazfar AA, Amani M, Mazadeh A & Mirani M (2015):
The effects of Leucine, Zinc, and Chromium supplements on inflammatory events of the respiratory system in type 2 diabetic rats.
PLOS ONE, 10(07), e0133374
Schulz K, Frahm J, Kersten S, Meyer U, Reiche D, Sauerwein H & Dänicke S (2015):
Effects of elevated parameters of subclinical ketosis on the immune system of dairy cows: in vivo and in vitro results.
Archives of Animal Nutrition, 69, 113-127
Samiei A, Liang JB, Ghorbani GR, Hirooka H, Ansari-Mahyari S, Sadri H & Tufarelli V (2015):
Relationship between dietary energy level, silage butyric acid and body condition score with subclinical ketosis incidence in dairy cows.
Advances in Animal and Veterinay Sciences, 3(6), 354-361
Sadri H, Dänicke S, Meyer U, Rehage J, Frank J & Sauerwein H (2015):
Tocopherols and tocotrienols in serum and liver of dairy cows receiving conjugated linoleic acids or a control fat supplement during early lactation.
Journal of Dairy Science, 98, 7034-7043
Kesser J, Hill M, Heinz JFL, Koch C, Rehage J, Steinhoff-Wagner J, Hammon HM, Mielenz B, Sauerwein H & Sadri H (2015):
The rapid increase of circulating adiponectin in neonatal calves depends on colostrum intake.
Journal of Dairy Science, 98, 7044-7051
Friedauer K, Dänicke S, Schulz K, Sauerwein H & Häussler S (2015):
Detection of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1, the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor in various adipose tissue depots of dairy cows supplemented with conjugated linoleic acids (CLA).
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 99, 950-961
Schulz K, Frahm J, Kersten S, Meyer U, Rehage J, Piechotta M, Meyerholz M, Breves G, Reiche D, Sauerwein H & Dänicke S (2015):
Effects of inhibiting dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) in cows with subclinical ketosis.
PLOS ONE,10(8), e0136078
Rahman MM, Lecci C, Sauerwein H, Mielenz M, Häussler S, Restelli L, Giudice C & Ceciliani F (2015):
Expression of α1-acid glycoprotein and lipopolysaccharide binding protein in visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue of dairy cattle.
The Veterinary Journal, 203(2):223-227
Hosseini A, Tariq MR, Trindade da Rosa F, Kesser J, Iqbal Z, Mora O, Sauerwein H, Drackley JK, Trevisi E & Loor JJ (2015):
Insulin sensitivity in adipose and skeletal muscle tissue of dairy cows in response to dietary energy level and 2,4-Thiazolidinedione (TZD).
PLOS ONE , 10(11):e0142633
Abstracts, Proceedings
Sadri H, Kolahian S, Jafari JR & Mirani M (2015):
Supplementation of diabetic rats with leucine, zinc, and chromium: effects on lung and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid oxidative stress.
European Respiratory Society International Congress, 6th - 10th September 2014, Munich, Germany, 44: Suppl. 58, Abstract Number: 967
Laubenthal L, Locher L, Sultana N, Winkler J, Meyer U, Rehage J, Dänicke S, Sauerwein H & Häussler S (2015):
Relationship between circulating leptin concentrations and adipocyte mitochondria in nonlactating dairy cows during a course of overcondition.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology. Band 24, Page 115.
Tagung 10.-12.03.2015, ISBN: 978-3-7690-4108-8
Kesser J, Hill M, Koch Ch, Piechotta M, Rehage J, Eder K, Sadri H, Müller U & Sauerwein H (2015):
Effects of different feeding intensities during the first weeks of rearing on the metabolic status and on the circulating concentrations of adiponectin in dairy calves until 110 days of age.
Journal of Animal Science, 93/Journal auf Dairy Science, 98, Page 706
Laubenthal L, Hölker M, Südekum KH, Sauerwein H & Häussler S (2015):
Mitochondrial DNA copy numbers in blood cells during early and late lactation in dairy cows.
Journal of Animal Science, 93/Journal of Dairy Science, 98, Page 707
Laubenthal L, Hölker M, Südekum KH, Sauerwein H & Häussler S (2015):
Mitochondrial DNA copy number in liver, mammary gland, and adipose tissue of early lactating dairy cows.
Journal of Animal Science, 93/Journal of Dairy Science, 98, Page 707
Yang Y, Sauerwein H, Dänicke S, Rehage J & Sadri H (2015):
Longitudinal characterization of the gene expression of key components of the mTOR signaling and ubiquitin proteasome system in skeletal muscle of dairy cows during the periparturient period and subsequent lactation.
Journal of Animal Science, 93/Journal of Dairy Science, 98, Page 708
Kesser J, Hill M, Koch C, Hammon H & Sauerwein H (2015):
Ontogeny of the circulating adiponectin concentrations in neonatal calves: the importance of colostrum intake.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, Band 24
Kesser J, Koch C, Elsen K, Rietz C, Sauerwein H & Müller U (2015):
Einfache monatliche Berechnung der Energiebilanz in den ersten vier Laktationswochen von Färsen und mehrkalbigen Milchkühen mit den MIR-Spektraldaten im Rahmen der Milchleistungsprüfung.
Berlin DVG Tagung 2015
Kesser J, Koch C, Elsen K, Rietz C, Sauerwein H & Müller U (2015):
Monthly recordings of ß-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentrations in milk during early lactation to characterize energy status.
2nd DairyCare Meeting Cordoba, Spain
Hiss-Pesch S, Weise J & Sauerwein H (2015):
Adipocyte sizes in the digital fat pad and its relationship to body condition score.
2nd DairyCare Meeting Cordoba, Spain
Sadri H, Steinhoff-Wagner J, Hammon HM, Görs S & Sauerwein H (2015):
Colostrum versus formula feeding: effects on the mRNA abundance of genes related to protein synthesis and proteolysis in three different skeletal muscles of neonatal calves.
8th International Congress on Farm Animal Endocrinology, Billund, Denmark
Sadri H, von Soosten D, Meyer U, Kluess J, Dänicke S, Saremi B & Sauerwein H (2015):
Plasma insulin, glucose and amino acids responses to duodenal infusion of leucine in dairy cows.
66th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Warsaw, Poland. Page 497
Getachew B, Sadri H, Hammon HM, Steinhoff-Wagner J & Sauerwein H (2015):
Effects of colostrum versus formula feeding on mRNA expression of haptoglobin in neonatal calves.
66th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Warsaw, Poland. Page 495
Other contributions
Häussler S (2015):
Guest editorial: Relevance of bovine adiponectin in the mammary gland of dairy cows.
The Veterinary Journal, 204, 132-133
Müller U (2015):
Eutergesundheit und Trockenstellen.
Tagung der Landwirte-Akademie, 27.02.2015, Versuchs- und Bildungszentrum Landwirtschaft Haus Riswick, Kleve
Sauerwein H (2015):
A survey of the endogenous and exogenous factors influencing the concentrations of adiponectin in body fluids and tissues through all phases of bovine life.
8th International Congress on Farm Animal Endocrinology (ICFAE) 2015, Billund, Denmark